A Message from the CBF
The CBF wishes to take this opportunity to highlight our continued commitment to our motto of “sustaining our natural capital” and to send positive thoughts and hope, assuring you that we will get through this together (from an appropriate social distance). Keep reading…

NCTF Spotlight: Protected Areas Trust (Guyana)
Guyana became an observer to the CBF in June 2019, and by December 2019 the Guyana Sub-Account was established in the CBF Endowment Fund with support from KfW. Guyana has a National Conservation Trust Fund (NCTF) – the Protected Areas Trust (GPAT). Keep reading…

An Overview of the EbA Facility First Call for Proposals Grantees and Projects
In late 2019, the Caribbean Biodiversity Fund’s (CBF) Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Facility approved 11 projects under its 1 st Call for Proposals to implement EbA solutions within the marine and coastal zones of 10 Caribbean countries. To date, grant agreements have been signed with all 11 proponent organizations thus activating the implementation of the projects. Click here to learn more…

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Conservation Fund (SVGCF) launches its First Call for Proposals!
On December 2nd, 2019, the CBF celebrated an important milestone with the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Conservation Fund (SVGCF) – they issued their first call for proposals, which is an important milestone for any Conservation Trust Fund. Keep reading to learn more…

The Caribbean Biodiversity Fund (CBF) Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Facility, in collaboration with the German Development Bank (KfW), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the German Development Agency (GIZ) convened the 1 st EbA Workshop in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 25-26 February 2020. Read more here…

Deadline for the OECS Business Model Pitch Competition Extended
The OECS Commission has indicated that the deadline to receive applications for the Business Pitch component of the Sustainable Development Movement has been extended to May 15th 2020.
Follow this link to apply: